Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A house that stands out

When you want to build a beautiful house that stands out,consider our machine cut stones from juja valley near Thika Town about 40 KM from Nairobi City.About 80% of Houses in Nairobi  City have  been built using Ndarugo Valley Stones.Consider the following advantages.
  1. Save 50% on cement .Smooth stone surfaces ensures you use less cement on wall plasters and joins.
  2. A house built with machine cut stones stands out in beauty and strength.
  3. Save on Transport costs since you can carry up to 1200 pieces at once.You can not exceed axle load   limit set by the government since excess loads spoils the road system.
  4. Save on Labour Costs.A mason using our machine cut stones builds twice the work compared to ordinary undressed quarry  stones.
  5. Save money on stone dressing costs.Our machine cut stones do not need to be dressed.
Call us now  for efficient and reliable supply.
Contact Timothy on

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